Itinerary B - Discover the sea

“Più non muggisce, non sussurra, il mare, il mare. Senza i sogni, incolore campo è il mare, il mare”


September to May
Stay: minimum one night.
from € 42.00 per person per day full board including water with meals from October to April
from € 45.00 per person per day full board including water with meals in May and September
The group must consist of a minimum of 20/25 people up to a maximum of 90/100 people. One free charge applies for every 20 paying persons. The fee includes full board accommodation only, while the cost of educational activities will vary depending on the itinerary chosen

Preschool teaching proposal

The proposed route intends to try to learn about an environment often seen, certainly loved by many, but perhaps sometimes looked at only in passing, with superficial eyes. Thus one will look at it from land and from offshore to recognize the different characteristics of beaches and coastlines, to identify the features of a gulf, to search for those links (physical and climatic conditions) that allow certain organisms, plants and animals, to “find a home” in an environment that is inhospitable only in appearance.

One will meet men who thanks to the sea work and live, so much so as to know its “character” and respect that voice that is never the same but always full of Mystery…


  • Enhance observation skills by grasping gradually more precise data and nuances
  • Learning to listen
  • Learning to ask relevant questions
  • Know the characteristics of the sea and its action on shaping coasts and beaches
  • Discover the importance of formulating hypotheses, not only to explain facts and phenomena, but also to properly organize information
  • Identify the close relationships between the physical world, the biological world, and human communities
  • Discover and learn about the historical roots of the local human reality
  • Enhance the ability to proceed accurately in describing an object/situation
  • Enhance skills in identifying data accurately and verifying their interrelationships
  • Develop ability to acquire the correct meaning of terms used.

Operational objectives

  • Use survey instruments (climate tables)
  • Collect data, compare and interpret them
  • Formulate hypotheses, test them experimentally
  • Correlate causes and effects by analyzing different situations
  • Develop ability to draw useful information from other sources and texts presented
  • Use graphic and poetic expressive techniques

Cues for interdisciplinary connections

  • History: the great navigators and discoveries; the great emigrations of the last century (Mother Cabrini)
  • Science: the moon and the tides
  • Art and image: the painters of the sea
  • Civic education: maritime transportation …

Proposed activities and content

1. Educational sailing trip

Children will learn the secrets of navigation and winds. Splendid views from the sea over the Bay of Saracens, Varigotti, with its small medieval nuclei clinging to olive trees, and Noli, where many families make their living from fishing still practiced with traditional methods. (proposed da La nostra Liguria)

2. The Galata, Museum of the Sea and Genoa ancient maritime republic

Visit the Galata, the museum of the Sea and Genoa. I n the medieval "carruggi" evocative glimpses open up, such as Piazza S. Matteo with the houses of Branca D'Oria (whom Dante meets in Inferno), the magnificent Cathedral of S. Lorenzo, and the many trompe l'oeil facades that make the Maritime Republic a painted city (Genua picta). Some clues will guide children on the trail of Marco Polo (a prisoner of the Genoese, he wrote The Million here), Christopher Columbus (splendid flower beds representing the three caravels). (proposed da La nostra Liguria)

3. Workshop in Varigotti let's build the Mediterranean aquarium.

At the beach, children will build a small Mediterranean aquarium by collecting pebbles, sand, shells, glue together to create the bottom. Then silhouettes of fish, starfish, seahorses... will be made to color and hang in the most suitable habitat inside the aquarium.
Materials each child should bring: pencil case with colored pencils, scotch tape, vinavil, glue, scissors. (proposed da La nostra Liguria)

4. Workshop in Varigotti to discover the four marine environments

The activity takes place on the beach: through fun riddles, the children, divided into teams, will have to recognize fish and marine organisms and attribute them to the relevant environment (sandy seabed - stingrays, soles...-, rocky seabed - octopuses, moray eels, starfish...- , open sea - sharks, swordfish, dolphins, jellyfish, turtles...-, seagrass bed - seahorse...-). (proposed da La nostra Liguria)

5. Sailor's life

Children will be taken to the beach where they will be able to learn more about various topics related to the world of the sea: orienting themselves through the stars and the compass, storm forecasting, sea winds, and mariners' tools. (proposto dalla Sibilla Società Cooperativa)

6. Visit of Noli

Visit the historic center of the ancient Maritime Republic of Noli and observe and meet fishermen on the beach. (proposed by the Sibyl Cooperative Society) and Our Liguria

7. Aquarium of Genoa

proposed by the sibyl cooperative society

8. Poetry workshop

Proposed by the Sibyl Cooperative Society

9. Discovering the beach and the sea

Children will learn together with a biologist about the physical and chemical properties of the sea, the main animal and plant species of the Mediterranean marine environment, and the factors that regulate the balance of the sea ecosystem. (proposto dalla Sibilla Società Cooperativa)